Mediocre Anonymous

Mediocre Anonymous

by Steve Backlund

When Wendy and I pastored in Weaverville, CA, we started a group called Mediocre Anonymous. We did this because we noticed that most twelve-step programs tend to take people from crisis to average, but we wanted to establish a twelve-step program for people addicted to mediocrity to take them from average to great. Here are the tenets and twelve steps of Mediocre Anonymous:

  • Believing that those who have believed in Jesus Christ as their personal savior are “born-again” and literally new creatures in Christ, we establish the program of Mediocre Anonymous as a tool to empower and propel people into their destiny and potential.

  • We are convinced that behaving as “mere men” when we are partakers of a Divine Nature is no longer acceptable (1 Peter 1:4). We will determine to pursue a life free from mediocrity or average. 

  • We purpose that this program will not use guilt, anger, or manipulation as motivational tools. On the contrary, we will strive to use encouragement, love, and the revealing of true identities, talents, and gifts within each member of the group.

  • We will mainly focus on the new beliefs and behaviors we wish to see manifested in our lives, rather than focusing on what is wrong with us.

  • We commit to anonymity where whatever is shared in a group (whether positive or negative) will stay with the group.

12 Steps For Freedom From Mediocrity

  1. Admit we have not reached our God-given potential.
  2. Make a decision to actively pursue the manifestation of His Divine Nature in us and through us. 
  3. Allow ourselves to dream of what a life without limitations would look like.
  4. Make a fearless inventory of the belief systems that put a “lid” or restriction on our lives.
  5. Share with God and another person what faulty beliefs we want to war against and overcome.
  6. Ask God for a revelation of truth that can become weapons of warfare to disempower the negative strongholds in our thinking. 
  7. Make a list of daily declarations based on the truth revealed.
  8. Find an action or list of actions that can be implemented to break out of old habit patterns.
  9. Sow radical encouragement in other people’s lives to spur them into their destiny.
  10. Spend time imagining yourself as successful and unlimited by old restraints or ‘lids’.
  11. Continue to take personal inventory of wrong identity statements and beliefs.
  12. Experiencing new freedom as a result of these steps, and by celebrating progress instead of perfection, we will purpose to not limit others through unforgiveness, negative expectations, or criticisms, but we will purpose to speak encouragement, life, and hope for change in everybody we meet.

Meet with a group on a regular basis and work through these twelve steps together.

The above structure for a small group has great potential to help people overcome the tendency to only try to fix what they believe is wrong with them. It will deepen heart connections with others while addressing the root of negative behaviors and negative emotions (or beliefs). We invite you to experiment by creating a personal or online Mediocre Anonymous group. For ideas on how to facilitate a group, I suggest you read through the template suggested for Celebrate Recovery meetings. 

My book Victorious Mindsets is another great resource.

About Us


Steve Backlund is a prolific encourager, catalytic author, joy activator, and revivalist teacher. He brings transformational levels of hope to churches and organizations around the world. He is uniquely gifted to release hope, joy, and healthy leadership everywhere he goes.



Join Steve as he shares revelatory truths to help you step into freedom and experience transformation by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2).

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