7 Reasons to be Radically Encouraged Now
By Steve Backlund
“David encouraged himself in the Lord” (1 Samuel 30:6). One of the greatest skills to develop is self-encouragement. Here are seven reasons you can be encouraged now.
There is no one like you – You and your calling are entirely unique and no one can fulfill it like you. No one on the planet is wired and designed just like you and has had the experiences in life you’ve had. You can powerfully reach people that few others can.
Many have overcome the challenges you’re currently facing – Whether you’re battling personal, relational, financial, or circumstantial obstacles, be encouraged that multitudes have overcome the same thing and lived a life of purpose and fulfillment. Do an online search for testimonies concerning what you are battling, and you will find hope and wisdom.
Your biggest challenge is not about you – James 1:12 says that a “crown of life” is given to those who overcome. This crown represents authority to impart life and breakthrough to others in the same area that has been overcome. Your greatest struggle right now is equipping you with compassion, wisdom, and power to impart victory and strategies to others for the same battle.
Your past is being turned to good – “All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose,” (Romans 8:28). As we prioritize our relationship with God, ALL things from our past work for our good. This is especially encouraging when we consider negative things that have happened in our lives.
You are increasing your load-bearing capacity – God’s purpose for us is to move toward greater kingdom influence in our families, our communities, our nations, and beyond. In order to have greater influence, we need a greater load-bearing capacity. Both physical and emotional “muscles” are built by pushing against resistance. Your current difficult circumstances and difficult emotions are opportunities to increase your load-bearing capacity for the great callings on your life in the days ahead.
You are storing up treasure in heaven – Jesus calls us to do this in Matthew 6:19. As we think from an eternal perspective, we realize that there is much more to life than just having good circumstances here on earth.
God’s promises are true – “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful,” (Hebrews 10:23). Ultimately, our encouragement comes from believing that God is faithful and His promises are true. As we declare biblical promises, we will be encouraged.
Today is a great day to be encouraged! These seven realities will make a difference for you and those you share them with.
I am encouraged today because God’s promises are working in my life
Because I encourage myself radically, I am able to encourage others in incredible, life-changing ways
The truths of this devotional are changing my life