God’s Love Languages
by Dr. Andy Fitzgerald
Enjoy this great teaching from our guest blogger, Andy. If you want to dive deeper into this content, join Andy and his wife, Jenny, in an upcoming course called “Hearing God’s Voice”.
You might be familiar with the popular book “The 5 Love Languages” by Gary Chapman. It is a wonderfully helpful book on how people receive and express love differently. Chapman offers five “love languages” to increase connection between people (acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch). The book's impetus is for people to discover and learn their own and their loved ones’ “love languages” to have a deeper and more fulfilling relationship.
I think Chapman is on to something. Why? Because God also speaks to us in “love languages.” Yes, the God of the universe, who spoke the billions of stars and galaxies into existence by only using His word, speaks to you and me in different “love languages.” God speaks in “love languages,” reflecting the rich beauty and diversity of his nature and ours so we can connect and grow closer to him.
The writer of Hebrews says it this way, “God spoke to our ancestors… at many times and in various ways” (Hebrews 1:1). Indeed, in Scripture we see the “various ways” God speaks to his people. As I read Scripture, I can see at least nine major “love languages” of God.
Of course, the primary way God speaks to us is through his Word. Jesus, the living Word, and Scripture, the written Word, are His standard and highest expression. We judge and evaluate all other words according to God’s Word in Christ and Scripture. But God speaks in other ways, too. For example, God speaks to us in dreams and visions. Peter says in Acts 2, “And in the last days… your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” (Acts 2:17) It is remarkable how often God uses nighttime dreams or daytime visions to speak to his people. (Jacob, Joseph, Pharaoh, Solomon, and Jesus’ father, Joseph, all had dreams that changed the course of history.) God also speaks to us through our circumstances. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul explains his reason for remaining in Ephesus and not returning to Corinth. He says, “a wide door for effective work has opened to me [here]” (I Corinthians 16:8). Another divine “love language” is creation or nature. Psalm 19 says, “The heavens declare the glory of god, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Psalm 19:1) I came to faith in Christ as a nineteen-year-old while hiking in Denmark. God spoke powerfully to me through His creation. And still, another way God speaks to us is through a human voice. Sometimes, God speaks through other people speaking. Have you ever had the experience of a person speaking, but you knew it was God speaking through them to you? God loves to use other people to speak to us personally.
Some other ways God speaks to us today are small impressions, low whispers (in our spirit), spiritual gifts, and sometimes, an audible voice.
As we explore the various ways God speaks to us today, it is helpful to know which of God’s “love languages” especially speaks to you. Once you discover your “native language,” mark out time and space for him to speak to you in that specific way. As you do, your connection with Him will grow even as you grow closer to him.
My wife, Jenny, and I will discuss God’s nine “love languages” (and much more) in our upcoming e-course, Hearing God’s Voice. This exciting online course begins on September 23rd, and it is a wonderful opportunity to grow in recognizing God’s voice with greater clarity and confidence. You can learn more about the Hearing God’s Voice e-course at www.ignitinghopeacademy.com.
Blessings to you,
Andy Fitzgerald