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Steve Backlund

The Word Works

"The Word Works"

By Steve Backlund

“For the word of God is living and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12).

We are empowered to change ourselves from the inside out, not by trying harder. 

The word of God indeed is powerful and can:

  • Make us free

  • Cause us to walk in righteousness and power

  • Create success and prosperity

Consider these verses:

“Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’” (John 8:31-32).

There is a progression revealed here: 

  • Choose to abide in His word - think it, meditate in it, speak it, memorize it

  • This abiding will lead to knowing the truth - having revelation, feeling it, being intimate in it

  • This knowing of truth will make us free - It is revelatory truth working in us that brings freedom (first in our emotions and then in our experience)

“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

  • The book of the law shall not depart from our mouths - develop the habit of speaking and declaring God’s truths and promises.

  • Meditate in the word day and night - give  special attention in the morning and evening to meditate (think, mutter, imagine the word)

  • This will lead to do all that God desires - The Word itself accomplishes this. 

  • Then we will make our way prosperous and be of good success - We will have a blessing in our life because of the word that will launch us into increased success and prosperity. 

“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11).

  • I make it a priority to hide God’s Word in my heart through reading, meditating, memorizing, imagining, and thinking about it. 

  • The word that is his in my heart will cause me to do the right thing. 

One more verse

‘Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” James 1:21). James is writing to people who are already Christians. He says the word “save” their souls. Save comes from the Greek word “sozo” which means to heal, preserve, save, do well, and to be made whole. When we consider that our soul is our mind, will, and emotions, then the word of God is powerful to bring change in our lives. 

Finally, here is a quick five-step process for reading the Bible using the acronym SWORD (“Take up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God” - Ephesians 6:17).

  • Scan reading - This is consuming large chunks of scripture through abundant reading, audio Bible, listening to sermons, and in other ways. It is like taking a spiritual shower. 

  • Wait and meditate - Pause and note what truths are standing out to you. 

  • One person word - What is the most important truth you believe God is speaking to you from the truths that you have noted. 

  • Resist lies - In Matthew 4, Jesus resisted the devil’s lies with what scriptural truths were made real to Him. 

  • Defeat lies - Again in Matthew 4, Jesus kept using the revealed word to defeat the devil’s lies. He repeatedly said, “It is written . . . .” And the result was this, “Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him” (Matthew 4:11).

The word works. It is powerful in creating righteous behavior, powerful influence, and hope-filled thinking. Let’s abide in Jesus’s words and be made free like never before. 


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