Say it to Them

Say it to Them

by Steve Backlund

Funerals and memorial services are a time of remembering and mourning the ones we have lost, but funerals can also be a powerful time of realization. They help us to reprioritize relationships, both with God and people. At a funeral, people often have regrets wishing they would have said things more often like, “I love you” and “I’m sorry”. I don’t want to wait for someone to pass away before becoming serious about the relationship or encouraging them. 

A great place to start is saying, “Thank you”. Thanksgiving is a gateway for many things, including healthier relationships (Psalm 100:4). Being grateful helps us to not take our relationships for granted, and it helps us to appreciate the good things others are doing. Who do you need to say, “Thank you” to? Not only is it a blessing to others, but increasing thanksgiving to God and people creates acceleration in our lives. 

Another great habit is to encourage those around you. I have a goal to encourage one person every day by sharing with them the good things I see in them. It has blessed others and it has blessed me. 

What are the people around you doing well? What strengths do you see in your family? What breakthrough do you see in your leaders? What do you admire about your friends? Don’t just think it, say it to them.

5 Phrases to Release Life and Strengthen Relationships

In my book,
Culture of Empowerment, I share the following powerful phrases we can share with people. Even though they are written as things leaders can say, we can all adapt them for the important relationships we have. 

  1. I am proud of you – Many people never hear these words. When a pastor or leader says, “I am proud of you for _________,” it helps meet a deep need in people’s hearts.
  2. I am so glad you are on my team – Don’t take for granted whom God has given you.
  3. I need you – These words are powerful. They are even stronger when we get specific. “I need your ability to release the supernatural in my life and in this ministry.”
  4. I really admire you for ___________– “I really admire the way you love people,” or “I really admire how faithful you are to worship.” It is powerful when we get specific.
  5. I am committed to helping you reach your dreams – Our ministry is to build people and release them into their God given purposes. When we encourage people’s dreams and come up with ideas and opportunities to make them happen, we will increase our heart connections with those we lead.

Why do we hold back these powerful things? Maybe it’s because we just haven’t been taught the importance of encouraging others. Maybe it feels too vulnerable or awkward. Today I challenge you to step out and see the incredible result of verbally encouraging, thanking, and affirming those in your life. It will bring breakthrough in you and your relationships.

About Us


Steve Backlund is a prolific encourager, catalytic author, joy activator, and revivalist teacher. He brings transformational levels of hope to churches and organizations around the world. He is uniquely gifted to release hope, joy, and healthy leadership everywhere he goes.



Join Steve as he shares revelatory truths to help you step into freedom and experience transformation by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2).

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