Victorious Emotions

Victorious Emotions

by Wendy Backlund

When Steve and first traveled and ministered together, I would often casually mention how I used to be in bondage to my emotions. I shared how changing my mindsets set me free. People continued to want more information on that journey for me, and so I wrote my book, Victorious Emotions

This life-changing journey didn’t happen by focusing on changing my emotions. My emotions becoming victorious was a byproduct of me changing what I believed. Emotions don’t validate truth, they just validate what we believe is true. I used to believe that if it felt true enough, it was true! It was really hard to get myself to understand that these emotions were a response from something I’ve trained my brain to believe. When I, on-purpose, began to believe something different, I didn’t have those ups and downs of emotions. We get to choose what to believe!

Many of us want to choose what we believe, but we don’t actually believe it when we choose it. We know that it’s what we need to believe, but many don’t understand it is a process to retrain our brain to really believe something. We will know we have renewed our minds when our emotions have changed. We have to believe something different to feel something different. And it’s not about changing what we consciously believe but what we subconsciously believe. 

Years ago the Lord asked me, “Wendy, do you believe I am going to meet your needs?” I responded with, “Of course, Lord!” and even quoted Scripture at Him. He said back, “Then why are you worried?” I remember thinking, “Do my emotions have to believe it too?” He responded, “Yes, that’s how you know you really believe it. If this belief hasn’t changed your emotions, you don’t believe it yet.”

The same way you might have convinced yourself of something that isn’t true, you can convince yourself of something that is real truth. We repeat it over and over in our mind, speak it out loud, and use our imagination to picture living in that truth. It has to be an intentional renewing of the mind. 

I used to wake up asking myself this question: “How do I feel today?” It wasn’t a conscious question, but the Lord revealed to me that I would take stock of my emotions most mornings. I would imagine my day, and if it was very busy, I would say to myself, “Oh, it’s a busy day. I’m going to be overwhelmed today.” I would start my day out with those emotions and would see those things fulfilled. God revealed to me that the most powerful question to ask each morning is, instead, “What do I believe today?” When I would begin to declare the truth I believed, I would feel my emotions begin to line up with truth in preparation for the day. Things like, “Oh yeah! I’m an overcomer, and I can do all things through Christ.” and “Oh yes! I believe that everything I put my hand to succeeds! I believe through the anointing I can change lives. I am an atmosphere shifter!”

For a season I even had 3x5 cards with biblical truths and promises by my bed because when I woke up, I wasn’t even sure what I believed! I would meditate on the truth on those cards to remind myself what I believed. I would also declare them (to strengthen my beliefs) because “faith comes by hearing” (Romans 10:17). 

As you read this, you might be thinking that some of the non-victorious emotions you’re facing just seem too true. At some point, we have to decide what we trust more: our emotions or the Word of God? I decided going with my feelings wasn’t changing anything but choosing to believe the Word of God and to challenge my experience and feelings with the Word for God brought a major shift in my life. 

You can find my book Victorious Emotions here for more on this journey. I also have a coordinating Journal here. I created this journal because stepping into victory in our emotions is a process. There are 5 easy and practical steps in it to help you get out of the mire emotions you might be in to help rewire your brain for a happier you.

We, at Igniting Hope, are so excited about some huge things coming up with me (Wendy) in the near future. Keep an eye out for more details soon if you want more of this, including sign-ups for our annual online devotional, Feasting on the Spirit in November. And if you aren’t signed up for our newsletter, click here to receive updates and info on what we’re doing here at Igniting Hope.

About Us


Steve Backlund is a prolific encourager, catalytic author, joy activator, and revivalist teacher. He brings transformational levels of hope to churches and organizations around the world. He is uniquely gifted to release hope, joy, and healthy leadership everywhere he goes.



Join Steve as he shares revelatory truths to help you step into freedom and experience transformation by renewing your mind (Romans 12:2).

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